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Mechanical vibration - Laboratory method for evaluating vehicle seat vibration - Part 1: Basic requirements
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Alarm systems - Part 10 : Alarm systems for road vehicles - Section 1:Passenger cars
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Measurement of noise emitted by accelerating road vehicles - Engineering method - Part 1: M and N categories
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Measurement of noise emitted by accelerating road vehicles - Engineering method - Part 2: L category
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Acoustics - Measurement of noise inside motor vehicles
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Acoustics - Measurements of sound pressure level emitted by stationary road vehicles
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Acoustics - Specification of test tracks for measuring noise emitted by road vehicles and their tyres
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Interior air of road vehicles - Part 1: Whole vehicle test chamber - Specification and method for the determination of volatile organic compounds in cabin interiors
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Interior air of road vehicles - Part 2: Screening method for the determination of the emissions of volatile organic compounds from vehicle interior parts and materials - Bag method
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Interior air of road vehicles - Part 3: Screening method for the determination of the emissions of volatile organic compounds from vehicle interior parts and materials - Micro-scale chamber method
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Interior air of road vehicles - Part 4: Method for the determination of the emissions of volatile compounds from vehicle interior parts and materials - Small chamber method
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Acoustics - Temperature influence on tyre/road noise measurement - Part 1: Correction for temperature when testing with the CPX method
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Passenger car tyres - Spare unit substitutive equipment(SUSE)
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Passenger car tyres - Spare unit substitutive equipment(SUSE)
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Paints and varnishes - Determination of the scratch resistance of a coating system using a laboratory-scale car-wash
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Quality management systems - Particular requirements for the application of KS Q ISO 9001:2009 for automotive production and relevant service part organizations
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General rules of coating films for automobile parts
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Road vehicles - General rules of weatherability test for automobile parts
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Minimum turning radius test procedure of automobiles
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Steering control system laboratory impact test procedure for passenger cars
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