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Electricity metering - Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control - Part 42:Physical layer services and procedures for connection-oriented asynchronous data exchange
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Information technology - Data communication - 25-pole DTE/DCE interface connector and contact number assignments
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Information technology - Data communication - 15 pole DTE/DCE interface connector and contact number assignments
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26-pole interface connector mateability dimensions and contact number assignments
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Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Twisted pair multipoint interconnections
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DTE to DTE physical connection using X.24 interchangecircuits with DTE provided timing
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Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Physical service definition
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Information technology - Data communication - 37 - pole DTE/DCE interface connector and contact number assignments
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Information technology - Galvanic isolation of balanced interchange circuits
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DTE/DCE interface back - up control operation using the 25 - pole connector
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Information technology - Data communication - 15 - pole DTE/DCE interface connector and contact number assignments
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Information technology - Telecommunications and informationexchange between systems - Start - stop transmission signalquality at DTE/DCE interfaces
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Information technology - Telecommunications and informationexchange between systems - 34 - pole DTE/DCE interface connectormateability dimensions and contact number assignments
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Information processing systems - Information exchange between systems - Synchronous transmission signal quality at DTE/DCE interfaces
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Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - 50-pole interface connector mateability dimensions and contact number assignments
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Information technology - Elements of management information related to the OSI Physical Layer
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Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Reference Model - Part 4:Management framework
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Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Procedures for the operation of OSI Registration Authorities - Part 2: Registration procedures for OSI document types
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