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Surface cleaning appliances - Part 7: Dry cleaning robots for household or similar use - Methods for measuring the performance
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Plain washers for metric bolts, screws andnuts for general purposes - General plan
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General tolerances - Part 2: Geometrical tolerances for features without individual tolerance indications
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Fluid power systems and components - Fluid logic circuits - Part 1:Symbols for binary logic and related functions
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Operations and baths relating to dry-cleaning machines - Vocabulary
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Safety requirements for dry-cleaning machines - Part 1:Common safety requirements
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Safety requirements for dry-cleaning machines - Part 2:Machines using perchloroethylene
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Safety requirements for dry-cleaning machines - Part 3:Machines using combustible solvents
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Specifications for industrial laundry machines - Definitions and testing of capacity and consumption characteristics - Part 2: Batch drying tumblers
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Specifications for industrial laundry machines - Definitions and testing of capacity and consumption characteristics - Part 3: Washing tunnels
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Specifications for industrial laundry machines - Definitions and testing of capacity and consumption characteristics - Part 4: Washer-extractors
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Solar heating - Domestic water heating systems - Part 4: System performance characterization by means of component tests and computer simulation
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Solar heating - Domestic water heating systems - Part 5: System performance characterization by means of whole-system tests and computer simulation
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Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery - Part 1: Common requirements
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Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery - Part 2: Washing machines and washer-extractors
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Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery - Part 3: Washing tunnel lines including component machines
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Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery - Part 4: Air dryers
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Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery - Part 5: Flatwork ironers, feeders and folders
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