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Environmental testing - Part 2-78: Tests - Test Cab: Damp heat, steady state
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Environmental testing - Part 2-80:Tests - Test Fi:Vibration - Mixed mode
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Environmental testing - Part 2-81: Tests - Test Ei: Shock - Shock response spectrum synthesis
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Environmental testing - Part 2-82: Tests - Test Xw1: Whisker test methods for components and parts used in electronic assemblies
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Environmental testing - Part 2-83: Tests - Test Tf: Solderability testing of electronic components for surface mounting devices (SMD) by the wetting balance method using solder paste
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Environmental testing - Part 2-85: Tests - Test Fj: Vibration - Long time history replication
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Environmental testing - Part 3-1: Supporting documentation and guidance - Cold and dry heat tests
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Environmental testing - Part 3-3: Guidance seismic test methods for equipments
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Environmental testing - Part 3-4:Supporting documentation and guidance - Damp heat tests
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Environmental testing - Part 3-5: Supporting documentation and guidance - Confirmation of the performance of temperature chambers
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Environmental testing - Part 3-6: Supporting documentation and guidance - Confirmation of the performance of temperature/humidity chambers
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Environmental testing - Part 3-7: Supporting documentation and guidance - Measurements in temperature chambers for tests A(Cold) and B(Dry heat) (with load)
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Environmental testing - Part 3 - 8:Supporting documentation and guidance - Selecting amongst vibration tests
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Environmental testing - Part 3-11: Supporting documentation and guidance - Calculation of uncertainty of conditions in climatic test chambers
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Environmental testing - Part 3-12: Supporting documentation and guidance - Method to evaluate a possible lead-free solder reflow temperature profile
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Environmental testing - Part 5-2: Guide to drafting of test methods - Terms and definitions
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Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-29: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of radiotherapy simulators
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Classification of environmental conditions - Part 1: Environmental parameters and their severities
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Classification of environmental conditions - Part 2-1:Environmental conditions appearing in nature - Temperature and humidity
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Classification of environmental conditions - Part 2-2: Environmental conditions appearing in nature - Precipitation and wind
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