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Standard practice for preparation of asphalt mixture specimens for dynamic modulus testing
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Standard test method for resin concrete
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Standard test method for density and water absorption rate of fine aggregates
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Test method for soundness of aggregates by use of sodium sulfate
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Method of test for resistance to abrasion of coarse aggregate by use of the Los Angeles machine
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Testing method of organic impurities in sands aggregate for concrete
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Particle amount in aggregate Finer than 0.08 mm sieve Test method
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Standard test method for clay contained in aggregates
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Standard test method for content of soft particles in coarse aggregate by scratching
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Definitions of terms relating to aggregates
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Aggregates for concrete
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Methods of test for particle density and water absorption of light weight fine aggregates for structural concrete
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Methods of test for particle density and water absorption of light weight coarse aggregates for structural concrete
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Standard specifications for liquid membrane-forming compounds for curing concrete
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Standard test method for determination of Aggregate-Crushing-Value(ACV)
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Testing method for potential alkali reactivity of carbonate rocks for concrete aggregates(rock cylinder method)
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Standard practice for petrographic examination of aggregates for concrete
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Chemical admixtures for concrete
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Corrosion inhibitor for reinforcing steel in concrete
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Standard specifications for expansive additive for concrete
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