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Security management systems for the supply chain - Best practices for implementing supply chain security, assessments and plans - Requirements and guidance
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Security management systems for the supply chain - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of supply chain security management systems
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Methods of measuring performance for flare system for offshore plant
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Lifts on ships - Specific requirements
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Mechanical vibration- Vibration testing requirements for shipboard equipment and machinery components
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Mechanical vibration - Measurement of vibration on ships - Part 2: Measurement of structural vibration
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Mechanical vibration - Measurement of vibration on ships - Part 3: Pre-installation vibration measurement of shipboard equipment
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Mechanical vibration - Measurement of vibration on ships - Part 4: Measurement and evaluation of vibration of the ship propulsion machinery
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Mechanical vibration - Measurement of vibration on ships - Part 5: Guidelines for measurement, evaluation and reporting of vibration with regard to habitability on passenger and merchant ships
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Ship’s tank - General requirements
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Neon glow lamps
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Electrical installations in ships - Part 201: System design - General
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Electrical installations in ships - Part 350:General construction and test methods of power, control and instrumentation cables for shipboard and offshore applications
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Electrical installations in ships - Part 353:Power cables for rated voltages 1 kV and 3 kV
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Electrical installations in ships - Part 504:Special features - Control and instrumentation
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Electrical installations in ships - Part 370: Guidance on the selection of cables for telecommunication and data transfer including radio-frequency cables
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Slag for caisson filler
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