Обозначение | Заглавие на русском языке | Статус | Язык документа | Цена (с НДС 20%) в рублях |
Leather - Chemical tests - Determination of matter soluble in dichloromethane and free fatty acid content
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Leather - Chemical tests - Determination of water-soluble matter, water-soluble inorganic matter and water-soluble organic matter
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Raw sheep skins - Part 1:Descriptions of defects
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Raw sheep skins - Part 2:Designation and presentation
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Leather - Chemical tests - Determination of volatile matter
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Leather - Determination of nitrogen content and “hide substance” - Titrimetric method
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Leather - Chemical determination of chromic oxide content - Part 1: Quantification by titration
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Leather - Chemical determination of chromic oxide content - Part 2: Quantification by colorimetric determination
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Leather - Chemical determination of chromic oxide content - Part 3: Quantification by atomic absorption spectrometry
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Leather - Chemical determination of chromic oxide content - Part 4: Quantification by inductively coupled plasma(ICP)
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Leather - Determination of total silicon content - Reduced molybdosilicate spectrometric method
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Leather - Determination of flex resistance - Part 1: Flexometer method
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Leather - Determination of flex resistance - Part 2: Vamp flex method
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Leather - Determination of water resistance of flexible leather - Part 1: Repeated linear compression (penetrometer)
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Leather - Determination of water resistance of flexible leather - Part 2: Repeated angular compression (Maeser)
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Leather - Physical test methods - Determination of water resistance of heavy leathers
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Leather - Wet blue goat skins - Specification
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Leather - Wet blue sheep skins - Specification
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Leather - Bovine wet blue - Specification
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Raw goat skins - Part 1:Descriptions of defects
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