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Измерение и оценка персональной дозы облучения от некогерентного оптического излучения. Часть 1. Ультрафиолетовое излучение, вызванное искуственными источниками на рабочем месте
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Измерение и оценка персональной дозы облучения от некогерентного оптического излучения. Часть 3. Солнечное ультрафиолетовое излучение
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Radiological protection - X and gamma reference radiation for calibrating dosemeters and doserate meters and for determining their response as a function of photon energy - Part 1: Radiation characteristics and production methods (ISO 4037-1:2019)
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Radiological protection - X and gamma reference radiation for calibrating dosemeters and doserate meters and for determining their response as a function of photon energy - Part 2: Dosimetry for radiation protection over the energy ranges from 8 keV to 1,3 MeV and 4 MeV to 9 MeV (ISO 4037-2:2019)
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Radiological protection - X and gamma reference radiation for calibrating dosemeters and doserate meters and for determining their response as a function of photon energy - Part 3: Calibration of area and personal dosemeters and the measurement of their response as a function of energy and angle of incidence (ISO 4037-3:2019)
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Radiological protection - X and gamma reference radiation for calibrating dosemeters and doserate meters and for determining their response as a function of photon energy - Part 4: Calibration of area and personal dosemeters in low energy X reference radiation fields (ISO 4037-4:2019)
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Measurement of radioactivity in the environment - Air: radon-222 - Part 3: Spot measurement method of the potential alpha energy concentration of its short-lived decay products (ISO 11665-3:2020)
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Measurement of radioactivity in the environment - Air: radon-222 - Part 5: Continuous measurement methods of the activity concentration (ISO 11665-5:2020)
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Измерение радиоактивности окружающей среды. Воздух: Радон-222. Часть 7. Метод аккумуляции для оценки скорости поверхностного излучения
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Determination of the characteristic limits (decision threshold, detection limit and limits of the coverage interval) for measurements of ionizing radiation - Fundamentals and application - Part 1: Elementary applications (ISO 11929-1:2019)
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Determination of the characteristics limits (decision threshold, detection limit and limits of the coverage interval) for measurements of ionizing radiation - Fundamentals and application - Part 2: Advanced applications (ISO 11929-2:2019)
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Determination of the characteristic limits (decision threshold, detection limit and limits of the coverage interval) for measurements of ionizing radiation - Fundamentals and application - Part 3: Applications to unfolding methods (ISO 11929-3:2019)
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Radiological protection - Monitoring and internal dosimetry for specific materials - Part 1: Inhalation of uranium compounds (ISO 16638-1:2015)
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Измерение радиоактивности в окружающей среде. Воздух. Радон 220. Объединенные методы измерения для определения средней концентрации активности с помощью пассивных твердотельных ядерных трековых детекторов
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Measurement of radioactivity - Determination of beta emitters activities - Test method using liquid scintillation counting (ISO 19361:2017)
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Measurement of radioactivity - Gamma emitting radionuclides - Rapid screening method using scintillation detector gamma-ray spectrometry (ISO 19581:2017)
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Water quality - Iron-55 - Test method using liquid scintillation counting (ISO 22515:2021)
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Дозиметры радиационные. Общие правила
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Расчетная статистика в радиографических измерениях. Часть 1. Погрешности измерений, порог доверия и предел разрешимости
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Расчетная статистика в радиографических измерениях. Часть 2. Спектрометрические измерения
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