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ONORM EN ISO 16371-2:2018 07 15

Non-destructive testing - Industrial computed radiography with storage phosphor imaging plates - Part 2: General principles for testing of metallic materials using X-rays and gamma rays (ISO 16371-2:2017, corrected version 2018-05)

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ОбозначениеONORM EN ISO 16371-2:2018 07 15
Заглавие на английском языкеNon-destructive testing - Industrial computed radiography with storage phosphor imaging plates - Part 2: General principles for testing of metallic materials using X-rays and gamma rays (ISO 16371-2:2017, corrected version 2018-05)
Код МКС19.100
Дата опубликования15.07.2018
Язык оригиналанемецкий

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