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OVE EN 61850-7-410/A1:2018 12 01

Communication networks and systems for power utility automation -- Part 7-410: Basic communication structure - Hydroelectric power plants - Communication for monitoring and control ( IEC 61850-7-410:2012) (Amendment) (english version)

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ОбозначениеOVE EN 61850-7-410/A1:2018 12 01
Заглавие на английском языкеCommunication networks and systems for power utility automation -- Part 7-410: Basic communication structure - Hydroelectric power plants - Communication for monitoring and control ( IEC 61850-7-410:2012) (Amendment) (english version)
Код МКС33.200
Дата опубликования01.12.2018
Язык оригиналаанглийский

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