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ONORM EN ISO 10360-5:2020 10 01

Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring systems (CMS) - Part 5: Coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) using single and multiple stylus contacting probing systems using discrete point and/or scanning measuring mode (ISO 10360-5:2020)

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ОбозначениеONORM EN ISO 10360-5:2020 10 01
Заглавие на английском языкеGeometrical product specifications (GPS) - Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring systems (CMS) - Part 5: Coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) using single and multiple stylus contacting probing systems using discrete point and/or scanning measuring mode (ISO 10360-5:2020)
Код МКС17.040.30
Дата опубликования01.10.2020
Язык оригиналанемецкий

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