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KS X ISO 15926-3(2020 Confirm)

Industrial automation systems and integration - Integration of life-cycle data for process plants including oil and gas production facilities - Part 3: Reference data for geometry and topology

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ОбозначениеKS X ISO 15926-3(2020 Confirm)
Международный стандартISO 15926пјЌ3:2009(IDT)
Заглавие на английском языкеIndustrial automation systems and integration - Integration of life-cycle data for process plants including oil and gas production facilities - Part 3: Reference data for geometry and topology
Дата опубликования2015.07.30
Код МКС25.040.40,75.020

Стандарт KS X ISO 15926-3(2020 Confirm) входит в рубрики классификатора: