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KS H ISO TR 22305(2022 Confirm)

Cigarettes - Measurement of nicotine-free dry particulate matter,nicotine, water and carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke - Analysis of data from collaborative studies reporting relationships between repeatability, reproducibility and tolerances

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ОбозначениеKS H ISO TR 22305(2022 Confirm)
Международный стандартISO TR 22305:2006(IDT)
Заглавие на английском языкеCigarettes - Measurement of nicotine-free dry particulate matter,nicotine, water and carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke - Analysis of data from collaborative studies reporting relationships between repeatability, reproducibility and tolerances
Дата опубликования2007.11.01
Код МКС65.160

Стандарт KS H ISO TR 22305(2022 Confirm) входит в рубрики классификатора: