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KS X ISO 13185-2(2023 Confirm)

Intelligent transport systems - Vehicle interface for provisioning and support of ITS services - Part 2: Unified gateway protocol(UGP) requirements and specification for vehicle ITS station gateway (VITS-SG) interface

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ОбозначениеKS X ISO 13185-2(2023 Confirm)
Международный стандартISO 13185-2:2015(IDT)
Заглавие на английском языкеIntelligent transport systems - Vehicle interface for provisioning and support of ITS services - Part 2: Unified gateway protocol(UGP) requirements and specification for vehicle ITS station gateway (VITS-SG) interface
Дата опубликования2018.07.25
Код МКС03.220.01,35.240.60

Стандарт KS X ISO 13185-2(2023 Confirm) входит в рубрики классификатора: