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GB/T 23296.1-2009

Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Guide to test methods for the specific migration of substances from plastics to foods and food simulants and the determination of substances in plastics and the selection of conditions of exposure to food simulants

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ОбозначениеGB/T 23296.1-2009
Заглавие на английском языкеMaterials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Guide to test methods for the specific migration of substances from plastics to foods and food simulants and the determination of substances in plastics and the selection of conditions of exposure to food simulants
Дата опубликования2009-03-31
Дата вступления в силу2009-09-01
Код МКС67.250
Разработан на основеEN 13130-1:2004
Степень гармонизацииMOD
Количество страниц оригинала48
Тип стандартаvoluntary national standard
Язык оригиналаChinese
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Имя файла
CCS CodeC53

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